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Frequently Asked Questions

The process requires you to fill a form. It is also important to inform your family member or legal representative about the decision. In such a case, a donor card can be provided to be used at the time of actual eye donation.

Eyes can be donated by anyone irrespective of any age, sex or blood group. It does not matter what colour your eyes are or how good your eyesight is. However, a person who has AIDS, Hepatitis B/C, Rabies, Septicemia, Acute Leukemia, Tetanus, Cholera, Meningitis or Encephalitis are not eligible to donate eyes.

Recovery of the donor eye tissue takes place within 4-6 hours of death. The collected cornea is usually transplanted within 4 days after the donation.

No. Eye donation is consistent with the beliefs of major religions. Donation is an opportunity to help save a life or restore someone’s sight.

Eyes affected by eye problems of short-sightedness, long-sightedness or astigmatism or even operated by cataract surgery are still eligible for an eye donation since the cornea is not affected by these eye problems.

There is no cost to donate. Transplant agencies pay any costs associated with the recovery of organs and tissues from donors.