Free Eye and General Health Check-up Camps

Camp date May 24, 2024 Time Slot 09:30 to 01:30 Venue Container Corporation of India Ltd.(CONCOR)- Inland Container Depot, Malanpur Gwalior Sponsored by CONCOR

"आजादी का अमृत महोत्सव - बीमारी से आजादी" Mahavir International Delhi in association with MI Gwalior organized a Free Eye & Health Check up camp at Container Corporation of India Ltd.(CONCOR)- Inland Container Depot, Malanpur Gwalior on Frinday 24/05/2024 from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm.  Sponsored by :- CONCOR Attended by:- Sh. Harish Gautam, Terminal Manager, CONCOR Malanpur, Sh. Parasmal Parakh, Trustee, Sh Sudarshan Jain, Chairman, Raksh Jain MI Gwalior Total Registration  :- 82 Eye checkup           :-  48 General checkup    :-  64 Blood Sugar.           :-  35 Blood Pressure       :-  20 ENT checkup          :-  06 Total OPDs             :- 173 Cataract detected :-  01 Spectacles distributed :- 29 Free Medicines were distributed in the Camp