Free Eye and Health check up Camp

Camp date Oct 31, 2023 Time Slot 10am to 3pm Venue ICD CONCOR Juhi, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh Sponsored by CONCOR

"आजादी का अमृत महोत्सव - बीमारी से आजादी" Mahavir International Delhi organized a Free Eye and Health check-up camp Attended by Sh. Anil Kanojiya on behalf of TM of CONCOR. Total Registration: 145 Eye checkup: 145 General checkup :-144 Blood Sugar :- 59 Blood Pressure :-104 Hemoglobin: 26 ECG :-05 Total OPDs: 483 Cataract detected: Nil Spectacles distributed : 66 Free Medicines were distributed in the Camp