Free Eye and Health check up Camp

Camp date Mar 28, 2023 Time Slot 10am to 3pm Venue CONCOR ICD, Central Railway Good Shed, Commercial Office, Turbhe. Sponsored by CONCOR

आजादी का अमृत महोत्सव - बीमारी से आजादी" Mahavir International Delhi in association with Mahavir International Navi Mumbai organized a Free Eye & Health Check up Camp at CONCOR ICD, Central Railway Good Shed, Commercial Office, Turbhe on Tuesday 28 March 2023 from 10.00 am to 3 pm. Sponsored by:- CONCOR Attended by : - Sh Rajendra Shlunke, TM CONCOR, Vir Dr Anil Chhajed, Chairman, Vir Naresh Sanghvi, Secretary, Vir Dr Balwant Chordiya, Vice President, Vir Dharmendra Shrimal, Vir Prakash Sancheti, Vir Sunil Chhajed, Members MI Navi Mumbai Specstacles distributed :-72 Cataract detected :- 4 Free Medicines were distributed in the Camp.