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Free Eye and Health check up Camp

Sponsor: CONCOR Venue: St. Sebastian’s Roman Catholic Church, Puthuvypin near CFS CONCOR terminal, Vallarpadamm, Cochin, Kerala Date: 2023-10-08

" आजादी का अमृत महोत्सव बीमारी से आजादी" Mahavir International Delhi in association with Centre for Advanced Research in Health and Human Behavior (CARB), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala organized a Free Eye & Health checkup camp at on Sunday, Sponsored by:-CONCOR Attended by :- Sh. Shiva Kumar, Terminal Manager, CFS CONCOR Smt. Dharti Varshney Sr. Manager, Projects, Mahavir Internationa and Dr. Praveen G Pai, Camp Coordinator Total Registration :-176 Eye Check-up :-176 General Check-up :- 89 Blood pressure. :-176 Blood Sugar. :- 39 Hemoglobin. :- 29 ECG :- 19 Total OPD. :-577 Specstacles distributed :- 49 Suspected Cataract. :- 23 Retinal problems. :- 18 Glaucoma suspected. :-13 Pterigium. :- 03 Free Medicines were distributed in the Camp